5 basic rules for intimate care

5 osnovnih pravila za intimnu njegu

The intimate area can be sensitive and prone to changes, which is why it is important to maintain a pH balance and take care of it regularly. Ingredients that can potentially irritate this area or dry it too much are by no means desirable, but in addition to the correct selection of a gentle cleansing gel, we also adopt other basic rules for maintaining intimate hygiene.

1. Avoid regular soaps

When we talk about the pH value of the skin of the body, it is around 5.5, and the pH of the intimate area is slightly lower, which preserves the natural microbiome . On the other hand, regular soaps always have a slightly higher pH value (around 9). To maintain the pH of the vagina, a slightly acidic pH is needed that does not disturb the balance and natural microflora of the intimate area. We already wrote more about soaps and how they affect the skin of the face in the article Why soap is not a good solution for cleaning the face (and what to choose instead) , and you should definitely keep in mind the sensitive intimate area.

When showering, it should be gently washed every day. Liquid soap for intimate care Sensitive contains calendula oil and lactic acid and is specially adapted to more sensitive skin, and Gel for intimate care Antibacterial , in addition to the antiseptic effect of tea tree oil, also contains chamomile, which has a soothing effect. Daily care of the intimate area is mandatory, especially before and after intimate relations.

2. Gloves and sponges are not necessary

You should not include sponges or various brushes, but you should apply the selected gel or soap very gently with your hands and rinse gently. By using other means, you risk damaging the sensitive area of the genitals and vagina. We do not even recommend that you direct the stream of water into the intimate area, as you risk possibly introducing bacteria into the vagina.

Liquid soap for intimate care Sensitive

3. During menstruation, it is necessary to take care of hygiene more often

Even if you have periods for which you do not think that the pad could "fail" you, it is advisable to change tampons and pads every 2 to 3 hours. By changing tampons irregularly, you risk toxic shock, which can be dangerous for the body. It may be a good idea to consider using a menstrual cup, which provides longer-lasting protection, up to 8 hours. In addition, it is possible to maintain the natural balance of the intimate area with cloth pads and menstrual panties. Also, during menstruation, it would be good to wash the genital area twice a day, in the morning and in the evening.

4. Wear cotton underwear

This advice is regularly bypassed, and it is very necessary in maintaining the balance of the intimate area. Quality cotton and regularly changing underwear every day protects against infections. By wearing synthetic materials or materials that "do not breathe", you increase the possibility of disrupting the pH balance.

5. Wiping with softer materials

Sometimes it's easy to forget that you should use a separate towel for the intimate area and wipe it thoroughly, but extremely gently. All towels must be put in the washing machine immediately after use. If possible, it is good to avoid the use of softeners that could irritate the sensitive mucous membrane.

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